Angel Support Foundation

About Us

ASF logoAngel Support Foundation (ASF) is a non-governmental organization with special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC), non-religious, non-partisan and non-racial organization that derives its existence from the need to create a society and people with a purposeful
driven attitude towards environmental sustenance, with particular focus on women, Children and the youth, creating an adequately sensitized and mobilized populace to embrace positive environmental and hygienic behaviors that would ultimately support livelihood. 
The organization also derives the essence of her existence from the burning need for gender equality in communities and the need for peaceful co-existence among inhabitants. This, the organization does by initiating self-reliant projects and advocacies aimed at creating awareness on vital environmental activities, promoting gender equality, while building peaceful co-existence among inhabitants and communities in Benue state
in particular, and Nigeria in general. 

Established in 2012, Angel Support Foundation was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in 2013 with registration Number; CAC/IT/65283, with a mandate to create awareness in the area of environment and all matters connected therewith (paying particular attention to Women, Children and Youth), promote gender equality and implement activities in the area of peace building. The organization has its head office in Makurdi – Benue State, and is administered by a Board of Advisors which serves as an advisory body. The day-to-day running of the organization is headed by an Executive Director who line manages the program staff for project implementation. The Organization has 4 program staff, 1 account officer and 3