Angel Support Foundation


                                                                                PROJECT BACKGROUND

Nigeria like other countries has experienced the devastating effects of climate change in the past decades. These changes are evident in increased temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, flooding, drought, desertification, biodiversity loss e.t.c

It is in furtherance of Angel Support Foundation’s mandate, which aims at creating a sustainable environmental that the community led climate action project (CLCAP) was conceived.

                                                                                     PROJECT GOALS:

The he community led climate action project (CLCAP) had a major goal of promoting awareness on climate climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies among community members and facilitated sustainable climate action at the grassroots level. This involved empowerment initiatives that would strengthen communities to evolve community driven and innovative adaptable initiatives to protect their environments against climate change, and make climate smart investments.

More specifically, The objectives of the project were as follows;

a.            Improving access to knowledge on climate change and Facilitate community action through integrated approaches to combat climate change among over fifty thousand (50,000) direct beneficiaries especially young girls and boys in Nigeria.

b.            Raise climate change ambassadors in schools and communities who will develop innovative initiatives to mitigate climate change impact and promote environmental sustainability within their domains.

c.        Increase adoption of climate change mitigation strategies (e.g tree planting) and health habits and Incorporate proper waste management approaches in communities e.g Tree planting

The CLCAP project as implemented in two phases from 2019-2021. The project was implemented across Benue state, North central Nigeria. This project was implemented by Angel Support Foundation with funding and technical support from Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT) Foundation. The project also engaged critical stakeholders such as Benue state environmental sanitation agency (BENSESA), National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) and others.

                                                                                 PROJECT TEAM

The project management consisted of a project Director who is the founder/ CEO of Angel support Foundation and was in charge of all approvals regarding the project, supported by two quality assurance officers. Six project officers managed the direct implementation of the project at school and community levels, where as a monitoring, evaluation and learning officer managed outcomes as per project design, while the project account officer managed the disbursement and retirement of funds according to project budgets. Over 40 volunteers were recruited and assigned to project officers as support staff, while also giving them a platform to shore up their project management skills.

                                            SUMMARY OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND ACTIVITIES

The project started with orientation training of the project team comprising of Project Officers, volunteers and other project team members. The orientation training centered on the overview of the project, project methodology, strategies of implementation, expected results and milestone as well as the anticipated risks and mitigation strategies.

The training also intimated the project team on the project activities and stakeholders to be engaged at every implementation phase of the project. Fifty secondary schools in fifty-five communities were mapped  and scoped for implementation. After mapping, advocacies were conducted to the schools, communities, government Ministries, Agencies as well as private organizations. Needs assessment was carried out by the project team prior to the commencement of implementation. Key implementation activities during the project are highlighted below;

                                                                FORMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CLUBS

The CLCAP project has set up fifty (50) functional Environmental clubs in secondary schools where the project intervened. During the project, Teachers as well as corp members were trained in the management of these clubs. With a current total membership of over 20, 000 students, the clubs have provided a veritable platform for secondary school students to receive valuable training on environmental issues especially climate change. The clubs served as platforms for young students (ages 10-20)  to interact and share knowledge among themselves not just about the environment but also on health and waste management issues.

                                                                                   CLIMATE TALK

Engaging climate discussions were held in the schools and communities. The climate talk activity on this project aimed at increasing the knowledge of students in schools and community members on climate change, its effects as well as mitigation and adaption strategies with the view to instigating action and causing change.

                                                                                  MOVIE SCREENING

There were over fifty movie screening across the clubs in the secondary schools, this was to increase the practical knowledge of the students about the negative impact of climate change and how to mitigate same and create a more sustainable environment. Movies like Nowhere to Run, cllimate Change – The Facts, Before the flood and Swallow were screened alongside four short clips.

                                                                            TREE PLANTING CAMPAIGN

Tree Planting Campaigns were a vital activity on CLCAP project. The aim of this activity was to create awareness regarding the importance of trees in sequestrating carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, providing a cooler and cleaner environment. By demonstrating tree planting in schools and communities, students in our environmental clubs and community members were expected to learn and become ambassadors of tree planting.